Sunday, September 11, 2011


School is school, the homework, the quizzes and test are all the same but the only thing has changed is that I have started study hall as a requirement for softball. I was actually surprised, because I found out like I like this study hall on Mondays and Wednesdays. At first the thought of the mandatory study hall made me upset and I didn't want to go. But now I like this because it makes me focus on doing my homework and here there are no distractions. No phones, no tv, no best friends, no talking. The internet is strictly for school related subjects, and getting caught leads to a lot of trouble. Softball practices start soon, and I am a little bit of nervous because I know I have to be more diligent with my time and my studying. My hardest class has to Human Anatomy and Physcology, this class takes a lot of concentration, reading and understanding everything that is being said about it. The first test is next week, and I am so nervous because I want to ace this test. My other classes require a lot of reading but I don't mind as long as I stay focus and mark up the text. Frex class has taught me to pay attention to each detail in the text and to read between the lines. This has certainly helped in A&P because I focus and know about what I am reading about. Currently out side of school, I have made a lot of friends and enjoy the community here, it reminds of being back at home and I haven't been homesick yet. I have heard about a lot of freshman missing their home and becoming homesick but I am not one of them. I enjoy being here except for the really really small town with nothing to do on the weekends. But the athlete teams keeps me occupied as well as my friends. I can not wait till softball season starts because I enjoy playing, and I can't wait to play at the collegiate level. I have played softball for almost all my life, of course I played other sports but I always stuck with softball and I hope I will enjoy these last years of playing.

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